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How do I reserve the driving course at Samezu or Fuchu Driver's License Center for practice?

Updated: Sep 10, 2023


  1. Conversation will be in Japanese language, they usually don't entertain English, so prepare for basic Japanese language conversation. Please refer at the bottom for sample conversation in Japanese with English translation.

  2. Practice driving at Samezu and Fuchu driver's license center can be done on "Saturdays" and "Public Holidays" only.

Contact us if you need advise or assistance on this. Click the image below to see the original leaflet.

Japan driver's license

  1. Call the reservation number at 03-6717-3086. Opens on Monday to Friday Only, from 08:30 ~ 17:00. It will be a busy line, but keep on calling to get thru.

  2. Tell where you want to practice the driving, either at Samezu or Fuchu Driver's License Center's course.

  3. Tell your preferred date.

  4. Tell your preferred time slot. Either 1st (9:45~), 2nd (11:15~), 3rd (13:30~) or 4th (15:00~).

  5. Get ready to be asked by the following information

  • Your full name

  • Date of birth or Age

  • Home Address (Usually it asked you if you live in Tokyo)

  • Type of practice drive e.g. Regular motor vehicle

  • Phone number

  1. After they got the information they need, they will disconnect the phone and call you back for confirmation.

  2. Once they called you back, they will explain you the following,

  • What you need to do.

  • How much you need to pay.

  • Time you have to be there.

  • What to bring on the day.

  • The do`s and don't's.

  • Etc.

Below is a "Sample" conversation in Japanese. You can use this template if you are not confident with your Japanese language skill. Ensure to know the basic wordings, such as numbers in Japanese.

Demo for Making a Reservation

Person: Moshi Moshi. (Hello)

Reception: Hai. Ko-su kaihou Uketsuke desu. (Hello, this is the course reservation desk)

Person: Unten renshu no tame yoyaku shitai no desu ga. (I would like to make a reservation)

Reception: Fuchu ka Samezu dochira ni shimasuka? (Is it at Samezu or Fuchu)

Person: _________ ni shitai no desu kedo. (I would like to....”choose which center)

Reception: Nan nichi ga yoroshii desu ka? (What date would you like to reserve?)

Person: ____ gatsu no ______ nichi desu. (I would like to reserve...”tell the date I.e. roku gatsu no jyu-san (June 13th)”)

Reception: Nanji-gen no gokibou desu ka? (What time slot would you like to have?)

Person: _______ ni shitain desu. (I’d like to have the 9:45 slot I.e. “ku-ji yon-kyu-go fun”)

Reception: Tokyo-to ni sundeimasuka? (Do you live in Tokyo?)

Person: Hai. (Yes)

Reception: Onamae douzo? (Can you tell me your name?)

Person: ______ desu. (My name is...)

Reception: Nan sai desu ka? (How old are you?)

Person: _____ desu. (I am...)

Reception: Odenwa bango onegaishimasu. (Please tell me your contact number)

Person: 000-0000-0000. (“tell the number in Japanese”)

Reception: Arigato gozaimazu. Dewa, denwa bango ni kochira kara denwa shimasu node kitte matteite kudasai. (Thank you. So then, I will disconnect the call and call from here to this number of yours)

Reception: Moshi Moshi. _____ desu ka? (Hello, is this...)

Person: Hai. (Yes)

Reception: Ko-su kaihou uketesuke desu. ___getsu no ___ _____ no ___ jigen futsu jidousha no renshu, kono moushikomi de machigai nai desu ka. (This is the course reservation desk. We have registered your request practice on _____ at _____, of automatic car. Is this correct?)

Person: Nai desu. (That is correct)

Reception: Moushikomi hajimete desu ka? (Is this your first time to make a reservation?)

Person: Hai. (Yes)

Reception: Dewa setsumei shimasu. Renshu wa hitori ichinichi ichi jikan desu. Renshu kaishi no 30 pun mae, ________ no mon ga akimasu kara 30 jupun mae kite, uketsuke wo shite kudasai. Oketsuke toru toki ni ryo ga 2000 yen, hoken ryo ga 200 yen, honnin sama no inkan o motte kite kudassi. (Okay. The practice is limited to only 1 time per day per person. Please come to the gate 30 minutes or earlier before your practice time, then proceed to the reception desk. During your check-in, you need to pay 2,000 yen for practice and 200 yen for insurance. Please bring any identification and personal seal if you have)

Person: Hai. (Understood)

Reception: ____ san,___ gatsu no ___ nichi ___ jigenme, futchu jidousha no renshu uketsuke torimashita. (Okay then, we have received your reservation on____ at______, for automatic car practice)

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