If you live in Tokyo and is planning to acquire Japan driver's license, Samezu Driver's License is one of the driving center s you can apply for in addition to Fuchu driver's license center in Central Tokyo.
Samezu driver's license center is located approximately 4 km from Shinagawa station.
What is the address?
Business Hours: 08:30 ~ 15:00 (close between 11:00 ~ 13:00)
Phone Number: 03-3474-1374
What is the closest station (recommended): Samezu (Keihin-Kyuko line)
By Train:
Keihin-Kyuko Line:Samezu Station
Tokyo Monorail:Oi-Keibajo Mae Station
Tokyo Rinkai Line:Shinagawa Seaside Station
By Bus
JR Shinagawa Station Toei Bus (For Oi-Keibajo Mae) “Samezu Unten-Menkyo Shikenjo Mae (Tokyo-Unyukyoku Mae)” Stop
JR Meguro Station Toei Bus (For Oi-Keibajo Mae) “Samezu Unten-Menkyo Shikenjo Mae (Tokyo-Unyukyoku mae)” Stop
First time visit to apply Japan driver's license? Follow the steps below to save time and arrive ahead of time:
Samezu driver's license center opens from 08:30 AM, since it's unpredictable when or when not is crowded, it is recommended to arrive earlier to process your application.
From Shinagawa station, take Keihin-Kyuko line at platform no. 3 departing at 07:40 AM.
Train arrives at Samezu station at 07:45 AM.
Proceed to the exit gate and take the left route by foot to the center.
Look for the signs heading to Samezu driver's license center.
Arriving time: 07:52 ~ 08:05 AM